Three Groundbreaking Publications
Biomechanics and Exercise Physiology Applied in Practice
Frans Bosch & Ronald Klomp (2005)
This richly illustrated work presents innovative training concepts based on recent scientific research and extensive knowledge of the real-world training. It provides running trainers, physiotherapists and physical exercise teachers with the latest insights into the training runners. The methods presented here are based on biomechanical principles. Scientific material is translated into practical techniques in the discussion of topics such as running technique, energy supply processes and adaptation through training...

Strength Training & Coordination
An Integrative Approach
Frans Bosch (2015)
Training theory has traditionally distinguished between strength, speed, agility, stamina and coordination – basic motor properties that have been seen as more or less separate factors. Frans Bosch’s book Strength Training and Coordination: An Integrative Approach claims that this distinction is questionable in both theory and practice. In particular, transfer of training cannot be understood if the five properties are treated as separate factors. This is a highly original and scientifically substantiated viewpoint that has never before been presented in a textbook...
Anatomy of Agility
Movement Analysis in Sport
Frans Bosch (2019)
Anatomy of agility is about analysis of movement in sports. Frans Bosch’s book examines all the high-intensity versions of the running movement that occur in open situations, from running straight ahead to sidesteps and single-leg jumping with a run-up. The book is divided into a theoretical and a practical section:
- Part 1 maps out the field of high-intensity movement and the context of agility in sports, with reference to such concepts as ‘constraints’, ‘self-organization’, ‘self-stability’ and the ‘attractor/fluctuation landscape’.
- Part 2 translates theory to practice, identifying the attractors in the various forms of agility...